[GRASS-user] Installing r.inund.fluv on Windows

Hanlie Pretorius hanlie.pretorius at gmail.com
Tue Apr 5 02:12:20 EDT 2011


I'm working with GRASS 6.4.0 under QGIS in Windows XP. I'm posting
here because I got no responses on the GRASS Windows email list.

I'm trying to install the add-on r.inund.fluv

The readme file seems aimed at Linux users, so I followed the
instructions that another user got from the author at

I managed to carry out all the steps in the above post and it created
.exe files in the fortran_code folder.

When I try to run r.inund.fluv or r.inund.fluv.bat from GRASS, I get
the error "r.inund.fluv is not recognized as an internal or external

Perhaps someone can help me with the following questions:

1. What is the purpose of the .bat file? Does one actually run that?

2. What happened to the other steps in the "make" file?

3. Is there some way to run a "makefile" in Windows so that it will
carry out all the instructions in that file?

Any other ideas?


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