e: [GRASS-user] v.edit break ERROR: Attempt to delete dead feature

Johannes Radinger JRadinger at gmx.at
Fri Apr 22 03:46:23 EDT 2011

Hello again...

here is the link to the bug-ticket...seems that it isn't solved yet.
The bug also occurs on 6.5SVN on Mac OS X.


is there any plan when it should be fixed?

Am 21.04.2011 um 15:40 schrieb Johannes Radinger:

> Hello,
> I just came over an error which was reported already some time ago:
> Achim wrote:
>>> I try to break a couple of lines on specified points (nodes in a  
>>> network
>>> to get separated lines).
>>> I do this with for one example-point successfully:
>>> v.edit map=laflo_br... at achim layer=1 type=line tool=break  
>>> ids=0-9999999
>>>  thresh=-1,0.000001,0.000001  
>>> coords=32.6958333333333,8.67083333333333
>>> but doing this with a list of more than 6 coors or having the  
>>> same coor
>>> twice in the list,  I get the "Attempt to delete dead feature"- 
>>> error.
>>> Is there a limiting number of coords for v.edit or is it  
>>> something else?
>>> What does grass try when it "Attempt to delete dead feature"
> and the answer from Martin Landa:
>> both reported issues are serious bugs of v.edit. Can you fill trac
>> ticket for that? Just to avoid that it will forgotten. I will try to
>> take a look ASAP.
>> Martin
> It seems that problem isn't fixed yet (I am working on 6.5SVN) and  
> I tried
> a python script like:
>     points_coors = grass.read_command("v.db.select",
>                       flags="c",
>                       map="points",
>                       fs=",",
>                       columns="X,Y")
>     points_coors = points_coors.replace("\n",",")
>     grass.run_command("v.edit",
>                       map="line",
>                       tool="break",
>                       coords=points_coors)
> Is that bug still existing or am I doing something wrong?
> If it is still a GRASS internal problem I'll do the break
> point per point in a python-loop which is for sure not the
> most elegant way to break a line at several points.
> cheers
> Johannes
> -- 
> GMX DSL Doppel-Flat ab 19,99 Euro/mtl.! Jetzt mit
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