[GRASS-user] snap point to line/break line at given points

Johannes Radinger JRadinger at gmx.at
Fri Apr 22 10:15:38 EDT 2011

Am 22.04.2011 um 13:22 schrieb Moritz Lennert:

> On 22/04/11 11:34, Johannes Radinger wrote:
>> About my situation: I've got a river network, which
>> is a polylinefeature set with 43 lines (43 IDs) included (tree-like shape of a rivernet)
>> all with the same cat-value (1).
>> Now I would like to unite/merge the lines to one feature (1 ID) if that is possible
>> and break that single element at given points with v.edit...Because if I break
>> now at around 40 positions I get over 80 segements (40 old segements and which
>> are broken again at different positions) but there should  be only
>> 41 or so...
>> so how can I handle that and assign unique cat values for each segment...(at the
>> moment the don't have to be the same like the breakpoints, just unique values)
>> any suggestions?
> v.edit tool=catadd id= ?

Sorry but I am still confused how to do the break.

In the Attachment there is a GRASS-exported shp.-file with my
rivernet consisting of 43 single lines.

I want to break that river at e.g. 3521021.43671,6041340.79067
which is one point (out of others) along the river.

In the end I want two features/categories one on each side of the break.

what are the exact steps especially when I want to do it with several points
(I know the procedure with a python for loop in combination with v.edit).

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> Moritz
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