[GRASS-user] v.rast.stats (r.category) fail?

Markus Neteler neteler at osgeo.org
Sun Dec 11 08:30:28 EST 2011

On Sat, Dec 10, 2011 at 11:19 PM, Hamish <hamish_b at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Annalisa wrote:
>>> I'm experiencing some problems with v.rast.stats
>>> and (I suppose) v.category.
>>> I have a lines vector file and I want to obtain
>>> some statistics on each feature.
>> GRASS 6.5.svn (nc_spm_08):~ > v.rast.stats
>> vector=streams at user1 layer=1
>> raster=elevation at PERMANENT colprefix=stats
>> percentile=90 --verbose
> ...
>> ERROR: No categories found in raster map

(btw: this error also occurs if the computation (current) region
is outside the raster map - a bit misleading in this case)

> v.rast.stats was only designed to work on vector
> areas, not lines.

I have now added a test in GRASS 6 to fail on vector maps
without areas.
TBD for GRASS 7.


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