[GRASS-user] change the precision of elevation data
Bödőcs András
bodocs.andras at btk.elte.hu
Mon Feb 7 08:28:25 EST 2011
Hello Balázs,
what is the raster base size setting of your region?
maybe the cell size are too big for the 0.5m parameter.
2011.02.07. 14:18:05 dátumon Balázs Szabó <szabobaa at gmail.com> Ãrta:
> Hello list!
> I have 10x10 meter cell sized, 1 meter precision elevation data, but I
> have to create a contour map that features 0.5 meter steps
> hence the current level of precision is insufficient. Can I do this with
> grass gis?
> I tried the fallowing command, but I didnt get what I want, beacouse it
> create the .5 meter countours as the .0 meter countours 10 meter
> buffered line.
> r.contour input=ddm-10 output=contour_05 step=0.5 cut=0
> Thanks:
> Balázs
BödÅcs András, PhD
ELTE Régészettudományi Intézet
Térinformatika Labor
Budapest, H-1088
Múzeum krt. 4/b.
T: +36-1-4116554, +36-1-4855200/2910
F: +36-1-4116553
E-mail: bodocs.andras at btk.elte.hu
www: http://www.regeszettudomany.hu
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