[GRASS-user] Python-Loop over points

stephen sefick ssefick at gmail.com
Tue Feb 22 09:57:29 EST 2011

Why not create a temporary vector map from the larger vector map in
the for loop;  do what needs to me done; clean up.

I would be interested in you solution, and could offer some help if
you would like.  I am going to have to process similar data.


On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 1:35 AM, Johannes Radinger <JRadinger at gmx.at> wrote:
> Am 22.02.2011 um 02:07 schrieb Daniel Victoria:
>> I'm not sure but from what I read in the r.stream.basins description,
>> you can have more than one point in your vector file in roder to
>> delineate your basins. Now, in case you have one basin inside another,
>> what I did once was:
>> 1) get x,y coordinates of each point using v.out.ascii
>> 2) for each point run r.watershed...
> Yes, thats what I want as well, but I want to automatize it and not to run for each
> point manually. I also want to run
> for each point a grass-function (not necessarily r.stream etc.)
> I just want to know how it basically works to loop over points.
> to things I thought:
> 1) loop over the ascii if that is possible
> 2) use the for loop in combination with v.db.select, but I don't know how that
> will work in python
> /johannes
>> Cheers
>> daniel
>> On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 11:49 AM, Johannes Radinger <JRadinger at gmx.at> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> -------- Original-Nachricht --------
>>>> Datum: Mon, 7 Feb 2011 22:25:31 -0200
>>>> Von: Daniel Victoria <daniel.victoria at gmail.com>
>>>> An: Johannes Radinger <JRadinger at gmx.at>
>>>> CC: grass-user at lists.osgeo.org
>>>> Betreff: Re: [GRASS-user] Python-Loop over points
>>>> Hi Johannes,
>>>> You will need to use for loop. Something like this (UNTESTED!)
>>>> for p in range(5):
>>>>     points_map = "point"+str(p)
>>>>     out_map = "output"+str(p)
>>>>     grass.run_command("r.streams.basins", dir = "flow_direction,
>>>> points=points_map, basins = out_map)
>>>> That should work, or at least something similar
>>>> Daniel
>>> Thank you for your suggestions Daniel, I also thought about
>>> a for loop. But in your case the loop is using for each iteration
>>> a input-pointmap called "point"+str(p).
>>>  The difference in my
>>> case is that I've got only one vector map but with several points
>>> in it and I want to iterate over the single points.
>>> How is it possible to iterate over the single points? The points are
>>> stored in a kind of list format, so it should somehow be possible to
>>> loop over this file, but how?
>>> any suggestions?
>>>  /johannes
>>>> On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 9:39 AM, Johannes Radinger <JRadinger at gmx.at>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> I am performing e.g. the r.stream.basins calcutlation in python:
>>>>>    grass.run_command("r.stream.basins",
>>>>>                      dir = "flow_direction",
>>>>>                      points = "point1",
>>>>>                      basins = "output")
>>>>> that's working perfectly in the case of one single point in "point1".
>>>>> How can I do that multiple times when the point layer consist of e.g. 5
>>>>> points and I want to create an output for each point (create 5 output
>>>> rasters).
>>>>> How can that be done in a python script?
>>>>> thank you
>>>>> Johannes
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Stephen Sefick
| Auburn University                                         |
| Biological Sciences                                      |
| 331 Funchess Hall                                       |
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