[GRASS-user] Feedback g.extension module on grass7.0

Markus Neteler neteler at osgeo.org
Tue Jan 4 09:04:44 EST 2011

On Wed, Nov 24, 2010 at 9:54 AM, Patrick_schirmer <patrick_GIS at gmx.ch> wrote:
> Dear list,
> After some disappointing experience concerning the installation of existing
> add-ons (for 65 and 70) under Grass6.4, I decided to give Grass7.0 a try.
> After the installation process I tried to use g.extension. It will did not
> work for me and with the help of a college I found the reason. For module
> g.extension  "def check()" in the python skript has to be changed in line
> "if not grass.find_program". Otherwise the reply when calling g.extension
> will always be grass.fatal ('2svn client requiered...'). My college updated
> the wikipage on this issue already but eventually you might want to
> countercheck as well.
> Installation is on Ubuntu10.04 (lucid lynx)
> def check():
>     # check if we have the svn client
>     if not grass.find_program('svn', ['help']):
>         grass.fatal(_('svn client required. Please install subversion
> first.'))

Thanks, I had applied the fix but forgot to report that here:

>     # probably test here if we have "make" and "install" programs as well.
> how about gcc?

Yes, should be tested, too, I guess.


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