[GRASS-user] I'm in a hole and want to stop digging

Rich Shepard rshepard at appl-ecosys.com
Wed Jul 27 09:22:21 EDT 2011

On Wed, 27 Jul 2011, Micha Silver wrote:

> Not sure what you mean by this. WHy not just abandon the DBF format altogether?


   That's what I thought I had done.

> First create a new LOCATION and MAPSET, then, *before* importing any
> spatial data, run your db.connect command (and db.login also). Then import
> your vector data. This way *all* attribute tables will be in PostgreSQL,
> some will be attributes for GRASS vectors and some will be "just"
> non-spatial data. You won't have to deal with DBF at all.

   This is what I thought I did. When I look at the contents of the
../PERMANENT/dbf/ directory, nothing's there. When I look at
../PERMANENT/vector/ I see all 54 maps. Looking at the tables in the
postgres database, all those maps are there, plus an additional 27
non-spatial data tables.

   The PERMANENT/ mapset has state-wide entents. I created a new mapset
specific to this project and I want to copy both the DEM (the only raster
map) and vector maps (as needed) to the project mapset and define a smaller
extent for them. This is where I ran into blocks that I reported in my
original message. And I don't use GRASS sufficiently frequently that I
remail fluent in its subtleties so I have not worked out a solution on my

   The county_bnd map is one example. I can provide specific steps I take and
the results when they fail if that would help diagnose what I'm doing



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