[GRASS-user] v.in.ascii: Cannot Close Attribute Table

Rich Shepard rshepard at appl-ecosys.com
Sat Mar 5 09:55:10 EST 2011

On Sat, 5 Mar 2011, Micha Silver wrote:

> Any rows with the well_log longer than 8 characters?


   No; they range from 1 to 6 numbers. Because they need to be explicitly
quoted I changed the column size to 8.

> With 100,000 rows you really should consider shifting from dbf to either 
> sqlite or postgresql...

   The basic table is in postgres. I've not before used postgres with a grass
project and I thought that the proper approach was to first extract a
separate table containing only the well_log primary key and the spatial
location for the grass geographic information. Second would be my learning
how to link the postgres attribute table to this map.

   If this is not the proper way then I need to learn how to do this

    As evident by my questions this past week, some table rows have no
geographic coordinates, some have 0.000000 as geographic coordinates, and
one (perhaps more) has 0.000000 as the easting coordinate and NULL for the
northing. I would be just as satisfied to use the base postgres table as
long as grass did not try to assign points to those rows with invalid or
missing coordinates.

   I'm open to suggestions.


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