[GRASS-user] r.rescale error

Ned Horning horning at amnh.org
Wed Mar 9 13:08:25 EST 2011

Hi -

I am trying to run r.rescale to apply a contrast stretch to an image to 
allow me to more easily locate ground control points using Georectify. 
When I run the following command:

r.rescale input=Quickbird.blue at PERMANENT from=48,106 
output=Quickbird.blue.scale to=0,255

I get the following error:

Rescale Quickbird.blue at PERMANENT[48,106] to Quickbird.blue.scale[0,255]
ERROR: Required parameter <rules> not set:
     (File containing reclass rules).
  Reclassify raster map based on category values.
  Creates a new raster map whose category values are based
upon a reclassification of the categories in an existing
raster map.

I would expect the reclass rules to be provided by r.rescale but maybe 
I'm missing something. Is this a user problem or a bug?


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