[GRASS-user] r.rescale - float instead of integer?

Johannes Radinger JRadinger at gmx.at
Tue Mar 22 12:07:25 EDT 2011


I try to rescale a rastermap with category values ranging from 1 to 16.
I want to rescale them by dividing the values by the maximum value, like
1 --> 1/16, 10-->10/16 and 16 --> 1). I tried to do that with the r.rescale tool with setting the output range to 0,1 like:

r.rescale input=input output=output to=0.0,1.0

but it I don't get float values as a results, only 0 and 1 as integers. Does r.rescale handle floats and how do I have to rescale it? Or is there any other simple way to divide the single raster values by the maximum value and get a float value as result?

thank you

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