[GRASS-user] ps.map: include eps (path to file), PS-interpreter

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Mon May 2 16:00:53 EDT 2011

Johannes wrote:
> I just wanted to include a eps-logo in the ouput of ps.map
> but it isn't displayed, so I guess that this has something
> to do with the path to the file. It seems correct but there
> is a space included which my not be accepted by the
> PS-interpreter.
> Is there a way to set a path with space to include
> eps-files with ps.map?
> The way I did was:
> eps 1 1
>     epsfile /Users/Johannes Radinger/Documents/logo.eps
>     scale 1
>     end


thanks for the report.

here's the fix:

Index: ps/ps.map/do_plt.c
--- ps/ps.map/do_plt.c	(revision 46156)
+++ ps/ps.map/do_plt.c	(working copy)
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@
 	case 'E':		/* EPS file */
-	    if (sscanf(buf, "E %d %lf %lf %lf %lf %s",
+	    if (sscanf(buf, "E %d %lf %lf %lf %lf %*s",
 		       &masked, &e1, &n1, &scale, &rotate, name) == 6) {
 		if (masked && after_masking)

sscanf()'s %s stops scanning the buffer at a space so just the
first part was picked up. I'm a little rusty on my formatting
codes but I believe %*s will keep going to the end of the line.
Seems to work anyway. We are rather lucky that the programmer
had the foresight to make the freeform filename the last
parameter of that line; good practice pays off!

@devs: is svn open for commits or should we wait for the SSL
cert renewal to make its way through the system?


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