[GRASS-user] g.extension install addon problem

Matteo Mura mur.teo at gmail.com
Fri May 6 12:32:23 EDT 2011

i'm using ubuntu 10.04 and i'm trying to install r.basin with
g.extension but the command output return this message:

Fetching <r.basin> from GRASS-Addons SVN (be patient)...
A    r.basin/r.basin1.gif
A    r.basin/r.basin2.gif
A    r.basin/r.basin.py
A    r.basin/description.html
A    r.basin/Makefile
Estratta revisione 46201.
Compiling <r.basin>...
Makefile:5: /usr/lib/grass64/include/Make/Script.make:
Nessun file o directory
make: *** Nessuna regola per creare l'obiettivo
«/usr/lib/grass64/include/Make/Script.make».  Arresto.

before this i've launched the following command on the shell:

svn checkout https://svn.osgeo.org/grass/grass-addons/ grass-addons

Which is the problem?

Thank you

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