[Fwd: Re: [GRASS-user] help in installing GRASS in Mac]

Jón Eiríksson jeir at hi.is
Mon May 9 07:45:55 EDT 2011

--------------------------- Upprunalegt Skeyti ---------------------------
Titill:     Re: [GRASS-user] help in installing GRASS in Mac
Frá:        Jón Eiríksson <jeir at hi.is>
Dagsetning: mán, maí 9, 2011 10:10 am
Til:        "Severino Salmo" <sgsalmoiii at yahoo.com>

Not sure this goes on the grass-user mailing list - but as I have - as a
beginner - installed GRASS 6.4 on several macs (snow leopard) recently -
I guess I could send you some advice. It would be easier if you could be
more specific about where your problems lie, though

Jon Eiriksson

> Dear GRASS users,
> I have been struggling for almost a month trying to install GRASS in my
> Mac. I am using Mac OS Snow Leopard by the way. Initially, there was a
> GRASS user who attempted to address the installation problem. Despite
> these, I still can't install the software. 
> Is this problem only occurring on me? Are there any other Mac users in
> this group that can help me?
> Thanks,
> Sev_______________________________________________
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