[GRASS-user] FW: v.vol.rst output parameters

Vivian Athaydes Canello viviancanello at hotmail.com
Mon May 9 21:29:44 EDT 2011


I'm working with a database for the three-dimensional interpolation in
 GRASS which is composed of data ranging from 0 to 100, and
 coordinates x,y,z, to conduct a zoning 3D attribute.
 I'm using v.vol.rst, but I'm having trouble finding the best
 parameters for 3D interpolation.
 I realized several simulations varying the parameters npmin,segmax, tension and smooth.
 However, using as example the default parameters of v.vol.rst (tension =
 40, smooth = 0.1, = 50 segmax, npmin = 200 and dmin= 0.5) the results generate voxels with an
 average of 77 and standard deviation equal 8.
 But most of my input data is close to a range of values from 90 to
 100 (46% of vector points), but the volume voxels generated for
 this interval has a ratio of 3%.
 How these parameters influence the equation of the spline v.vol.rst?
 What parameters could be influence this result?
 Whereby the highest percentage of interpolated values is
 between the range of values from 75 to 90 and not 90 to 100.
 Why are the values from 90 to 100 may be having a small weight in
 the interpolation?


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