[GRASS-user] help importing aux and rrd.

Markus Neteler neteler at osgeo.org
Fri May 13 15:42:58 EDT 2011

On Fri, May 13, 2011 at 6:27 PM, Olavo Borges D'Antonio
<odantonio at aol.com> wrote:
> hello,
> I'm new in grass


> and despite I have sought in books and tutorials, I could not find.
> Here my question:
> I received a group of files, a tiff, tfw, aux and rrd. How can I import aux
> and rrd files? Gdalinfo tell me to use HFA/Erdas imagine images. But what i
> got was a black square.
> The rrd file I can't import.
> Could someone tell me where I'm wrong?

It is all simpler: just import the TIFF, the other files the underlying
GDAL library will take care of as needed and as supported.
Essentially the TIFF contains the data are the others are
auxiliary files for metadata and speedup.

That you got a black square is possible if you didn't apply a
new color table (perhaps despite all extra files you don't
have good colors in the TIFF file stored).

Run r.colors on the imported map to assign a new color table.
Likely you will see the data then. Additionally, you can run
r.univar on it to see what the data range etc is.

Hope this helps


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