[GRASS-user] g.extension_PROBLEM_UBUNTU_10.04

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Mon May 16 00:38:43 EDT 2011

Matteo wrote:
> thanks for your patience and good will, but finally: is there a way to 
> install the addon "r.basin" on ubuntu 10.04 avoiding to make any trouble 
> (because i'm not a advanced user) ?

ubuntu 10.04 with standard grass, grass-doc packages:  (6.4.0~rc5+39438)

not working yet, but how far I've gotten with it today:

# first fix from build server paths:
sudo sed -i -e 's+/build/buildd/.*+${INST_DIR}+' \

# next create addon destination and grab g.extension from grass6.5 svn:
mkdir -p ~/.grass6/addons
svn export https://svn.osgeo.org/grass/grass/branches/develbranch_6/scripts/g.extension/g.extension -O ~/.grass6/addons/g.extension
echo "GRASS_ADDON_PATH=~/.grass6/addons" >> .bashrc

# log out & back in, start grass, check if g.extension shows up:
GRASS> g.extension --help

GRASS> g.extension ext=r.basin
Compiling <r.basin>...
mkdir -p /usr/lib/grass64/bin.x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
mkdir: cannot create directory `/usr/lib/grass64/bin.x86_64-pc-linux-gnu': Permission denied
make: *** [/usr/lib/grass64/bin.x86_64-pc-linux-gnu] Error 1

If I add -x to #!/bin/sh, ARCH_DISTDIR is indeed set at the end of the
make line for $MAPSET/.tmp/... so appears to want to use the version in
$GISBASE/include/Make rather than the one given at the end of the `make`
command line.


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