[GRASS-user] making fcell raster maps using climate data

Pierre Roudier pierre.roudier at gmail.com
Mon May 30 04:48:04 EDT 2011

Hi Hamish,

> Pierre, you may be interested in looking at the v.kridge(.py)
> module, behind the scenes it calls R from GRASS to do the
> interpolation. Requires python-rpy2 & the GRASS<->R cran package
> to be installed, and a number of other support packages it will
> tell you about.  (I'm having a little trouble starting it today..
> but the method is sound)

I am aware of that module (it was a GSoC project last year if I
remember well), even though I haven't used it in GRASS (yet). I guess
the limit is actually the fact that R would load the entire dataset
into memory - this can be a big headache with LiDAR data.

> ah, sorry I didn't notice the e,n were the same for each year.
> better to split it first using the tools you are familiar with
> (thus R).

There actually more than one station in Bullent's data set, but the
difficulty that one raster layer must be interpolated for each month
of each year that has been modelled. Thus a bit of data tweaking in R.
No idea if awk/sed or any of those magic unix tools I don't know much
about could do the trick and avoid the call to R?


> Hamish

Landcare Research, New Zealand

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