[GRASS-user] problem saving workspace

Eugenio Trumpy frippe12573 at hotmail.com
Mon Sep 26 11:32:59 EDT 2011

Hi to all,
while save a workspace i receive this error message:

Scrittura delle impostazioni correnti nel file dell'ambiente di lavoro fallita.

Reason: 'NoneType' object is unsubscriptable

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/grass64/etc/wxpython/wxgui.py", line 844, in SaveToWorkspaceFile
    workspace.WriteWorkspaceFile(lmgr = self, file = tmpfile)
  File "/usr/lib/grass64/etc/wxpython/gui_modules/workspace.py", line 734, in __init__
    self.__writeLayer(mapTree, item)
  File "/usr/lib/grass64/etc/wxpython/gui_modules/workspace.py", line 788, in __writeLayer
    self.file.write('%s<task name="%s">\n' % (' ' * self.indent, cmd[0]))
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is unsubscriptable

Anyone knows the reason and how can i solve this problem?



P.S. Debian Wheezy, Grass 6.4.1 (from .deb)

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