[GRASS-user] "Parallelization" of Python Script

Johannes Radinger johannesradinger at gmail.com
Tue Aug 7 02:26:57 PDT 2012


sounds promising, but somehow I don't get it (as I not yet deeply into
python scripts :()
E.g if I try to perform a second step using the output of the first step
(r.slope.aspect) as
input in the next one (e.g. r.cost)  ... how would you do that. I
understand in you example that
you use the modulus operator to query if the last job of each "group" is
started...then the wait
is used to finish all jobs of that group before going to the next line. If
I understand you correctly
I just need to insert that if-line between every consequetive computation

# Loop over jobs
for i in range(jobs):
    # Insert job into dictinoary to keep track of it
    proc[i] = grass.start_command('r.slope.aspect',
                                  elevation='elev_' + str(i),
                                  slope='slope_' + str(i))

    # Probably here I have to wait until slope_i is created??
    if i % workers is 0:
        for j in range(workers):
            proc.[i - j].wait()
    # How would you do that? In my case these are a dozend
    # consequetive grass commands (output1=input2...)
    # and some thousand "jobs" which I want to loop over

    proc[i] = grass.start_command('r.cost',
                                  input='slope_' + str(i),
                                  output='costraster_' + str(i),
                                  coordinate = "123,123")
    if i % workers is 0:
        for j in range(workers):
            proc.[i - j].wait()

# Make sure all workers are finished.
for i in range(jobs):
    if proc[i].wait() is not 0:
        grass.fatal(_('Problem running analysis on evel_' + str(i) + '.')


On Tue, Aug 7, 2012 at 10:21 AM, Daniel Lee <lee at isi-solutions.org> wrote:

> Hi Johannes,
> Certainly it's possible, it'd just be a question of how you make your
> loop. Inside the loop of your jobs you could evaluate whether it's an odd
> or even job and check if the previous job has been finished, then start the
> next one. I'm not sure what your code looks like, but I've condensed
> Hamish's script for my own reference into an example gist so that I can
> remember some of the cool tricks. I don't know if it would help you to look
> at it since you're already seen the original script, but if you want to
> take a look feel free to:
> https://gist.github.com/3282580
> I think you'll basically have to work with the modulo operator a bit. If
> you use that, you can possibly reduce a lot of nested for loops into a for
> loop with an if-elif-else query.
> Best,
> Daniel
> --
> B.Sc. Daniel Lee
> Geschäftsführung für Forschung und Entwicklung
> ISIS - International Solar Information Solutions GbR
> Vertreten durch: Daniel Lee, Nepomuk Reinhard und Nils Räder
> Softwarecenter 3
> 35037 Marburg
> Festnetz: +49 6421 379 6256
> Mobil: +49 176 6127 7269
> E-Mail: Lee at isi-solutions.org
> Web: http://www.isi-solutions.org
> 2012/8/7 Johannes Radinger <johannesradinger at gmail.com>
>> Hi,
>> for an example of grass.start_command() for parallelizing a bunch
>>> of r.cost runs, see v.surf.icw(.py) in grass7 addons:
>>> https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/browser/grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.surf.icw/v.surf.icw.py
>>> thank you for that example. I think it explains it very well how it
>> works to assign
>> multiple r.cost runs to single processes with grass.start_command.
>> I am just wondering how it is done when there are multiple consecutive
>> processes
>> in the for loop. In your example (v.surf.icw.py) for each step (e.g.
>> r.cost (line 271), r.mapcalc (298))
>> an separate for loop is started...Is there a way to combine the steps
>> etc. in a function (e.g. combination
>> of r.cost and mapcalc) and launch that function in a way like
>> grass.start_command in a single loop?
>> If possible that would probably save code lines and might be a little
>> more clear (at least to me).
>> I am just asking because one of my skripts which is still in "serial
>> mode" involves lots of steps inside the for loop.
>> This would create in parallel at least a dozen for loops which might
>> appear very unclear.
>> Anyway I think the parallelization can really save computation time of my
>> skripts... :)
>> /Johannes
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