[GRASS-user] r.sun and XY locations

Christian Braun Christian.Braun at tudor.lu
Thu Aug 9 05:02:11 PDT 2012


of course it does support projections, but just for a predefined location. This means that this specific process needs input data in that predefined CRS. If you then have "clients" using different CRS this would mean that either the client has to reproject in advance or the WPS is doing reprojection on-the-fly. We just wanted to avoid this.

Maybe a soultion would be that we modify pyWPS in a way that it creates a location for each process not just mapsets. It would then be possible with g.proj -c to set projection information during run time...


On 9 Aug 2012, at 12:50, Markus Neteler wrote:

> On Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 4:39 PM, Christian Braun
> <Christian.Braun at tudor.lu> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I want to create a WPS module which is calculating solar irradiance. As WPS architecture I have to use PyWPS which is creating a XY-location and mapsets on the fly to process the data.
> Why this? I am fairly sure that PyWPS supports projections.
> Then r.sun should work fine for your purposes.
> Markus

Christian Braun
R+D Engineer
Environmental Modelling, Geocomputation

Tel: +352- 425991-6608
Mobil: +49-179-6845896
Mail: christian.braun at tudor.lu

Resource Centre for Environmental Technologies,
Public Research Centre Henri Tudor,
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66 rue de Luxembourg,
P.O. BOX 144,
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