[GRASS-user] GeoPDF Plugin

Dave Kindem dkindem at gmail.com
Tue Aug 21 06:16:39 PDT 2012

I have a little more information on this now.  I only get the error when I use GDAL commands from inside a GRASS session.  If I just open a new terminal window, the plugin works fine.  I apparently need to fix some path issues with my GRASS setup.

Sorry for my confusion.


Dave Kindem
Grand Haven, MI

On Aug 21, 2012, at 7:28 AM, Dave Kindem wrote:

> I've hit a snag trying to work with geoPDF's using GDAL.  When I run gdalinfo or gdal_translate, I get the following error:
> ERROR 4: `/Users/dkindem/MI_Grand_Haven_20110923_TM_geo.pdf' not recognised as a supported file format.
> I've re-installed the plugin, but the message persists.
> Dave
> Dave Kindem
> Grand Haven, MI

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