[GRASS-user] r.denoise segfaults on a raster of 1166468401 cells

Alexander Muriy amuriy at gmail.com
Wed Dec 19 21:15:05 PST 2012

2012/12/15 <grass-user-request at lists.osgeo.org>

> The following attempt segfaults on GRASS 6.4.3svn (nearly in the end of the
> process, if I am not wrong), running on Core i7 with 32GB of RAM.
> # mdenoise ASTER GDEM2 over Greece
> r.denoise in=aster_gdem2_ellas out=aster_gdem2_ellas_smoothed iterations=1
> threshold=0.8 epsg=2100
> The computational area comprises (Rows: 32401, Columns: 36001) 1166468401
> cells.  Is this too much?
> Would (re-)running this on GRASS 7.0.svn make any difference?
> I should better perform the process on a per (ASTER GDEM2) tile(s) basis,
> shouldn't I?

Hi Nikos. In my experience, <mdenoise> utility works well with raster sizes
no more than 2000x2000 (regardless of RAM size). That's why the only way to
denoise the large rasters — using of tiles and patching of final results.

Best regards,
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