[GRASS-user] Loosing color table when reprojecting raster file

Kurt Springs ferret_bard at mac.com
Sun Feb 12 21:42:15 EST 2012

Hi folks,

I was preparing a some maps for a presentation and ran into a snag. I am trying to reproject raster maps from a Lat/Long to Irish national grid.  I've done this before.  This time I found that I had no color.  I am using William Kyngesburye's GRASS 6.4.1-5.  I also tried Michael Bartons GRASS 7 SVN. There are tiles already in the Project location that I reprojected before.  They still have their color.  It's just that these latest attempts seemed be be stripped of their color and I can just use r.color to put it back.  That doesn't seem to work either.

Any ideas as to what the problem might be?

Kurt D. Springs

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