[GRASS-user] GRASS 6.4.2

Elvin Birth elvin.birth at gmail.com
Fri Feb 24 16:56:31 EST 2012

I downloaded and installed
"wxPython2.8-osx-unicode-" and then
"GRASS-6.4.2stable.pk.." on my MacBook Air with OS 10.6.8.

When I try to open GRASS-6.4.2.app (paper, pencil, ruler and brush icon) I
get a very brief flash of the familiar icon, grass in a diamond, but
nothing further.

When I navigate to /Applications/GRASS/GRASS-6.4.app (grass in diamond
icon) it shows the version as 6.4.2 and runs as when it was version 6.4.1.
A line in the Terminal opening says "Found Python 2.6.1". After running,
Terminal shows a group of identical errors:
GRASS 6.4.2 (Wake_spc):~ > Fri Feb 24 14:53:49
Elvin-Birth-MacBook-Air.local pythonw2.6[71591] <Error>:
CGContextRestoreGState: invalid context 0x0.

What have I done incorrectly or failed to do?

Elvin Birth
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