[GRASS-user] 3D geological volume modeling (raster 3D): is it really possible ?

Martin Laloux martin.laloux at gmail.com
Sat Jun 9 05:03:56 PDT 2012


Since I do not have Gocad (or others 3D geological modeling softwares), I
try to do 3D modeling in geology with GRASS GIS. It works very well for

   - :faults surfaces from contours ( from boreholes and coal mining data):

[image: Images intégrées 11]

   - Thrust faults from boreholes data and traces of the faults on
   geological map:

[image: Images intégrées 2][image: Images intégrées 6]

   - geological layers and fault (in red) from  boundaries of formations on
   a geological map (using Eric de Kemp methods in: "Three-dimensional
   projection of curvilinear geological features through direction cosine
   interpolation of structural field observations", Computers & Geosciences,
   Volume 24, n° 3 (1998), pages 269-284 (
   http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0098300497000666) or
at http://bibvir.uqac.ca/theses/12127333/12127333.pdf
   <http://bibvir.uqac.ca/theses/12127333/12127333.pdf>*and Maciej
   Tomaszczyk work *at
   http://opengeology.pl/index.php?act=category&category_id=5), see

[image: Images intégrées 3]

   - interpolation of planar geological layers (*v.surf.rst*) from
   boreholes data

[image: Images intégrées 4]

   - and cross sections from the model with nviz "cutting planes"

[image: Images intégrées 5]
*But my problem is to build volumes (raster 3D) from these surfaces.
I read everything
that was available on the series of r3.x modules and VTK with Paraview and
the work of Sören Gebbert** **but I do not get any results **really

For example:
from [image: Images intégrées 9]to [image: Images intégrées 10]

*Is this **really* *possible ? * (it needs lots and lots of memory)
Many thanks
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