[GRASS-user] Re: r.region for intersection with vector map?

Rich Shepard rshepard at appl-ecosys.com
Wed Mar 14 14:02:25 EDT 2012

On Sun, 11 Mar 2012, Hermann Peifer wrote:

> r.mapcalc small_dem_east = dem_east


   The map names have changed, but the issue remains unresolved.

   After setting g.region with both the raster dem and vector basins map (the
drainage basins are the analytical area), I ran,

 	r.mapcalc "dem_basin = dem"

yet the raster map display is not limited to the drainage basins, but to a
square area that just includes the basins. I assume the reason is that the
region is a square. What command could I pass to r.mapcalc that would clip
the raster map to the basins themselves (with some overlap so whole cells of
the raster map form the edge)? Screenshot attached.

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