[GRASS-user] Re: TIN (Linear interpolation) from points

TheGeographer dalura86 at googlemail.com
Thu Mar 22 06:59:24 EDT 2012

Hi community,

I'm trying to convert my 3 vector points to raster points. The aim is to use
this raster points as input for r.surf.nnbathy.

I created a region with following command:
g.region --verbose vect=gfa_niep_work at PERMANENT nsres=1 ewres=1

This is the output of the region:

projection: 99 (Transverse Mercator)
zone:       0
datum:      potsdam
ellipsoid:  bessel
north:      5699460
south:      5698740
west:       3328920
east:       3329940
nsres:      1
ewres:      1
rows:       720
cols:       1020
cells:      734400

In the next step I used v.to.rast with following commands:

v.to.rast --overwrite --verbose input=gfa_niep_work at PERMANENT type=point
output=gfa_niep_rast use=attr column=werte

The metadata are these:

 | Layer:    gfa_niep_rast at PERMANENT        Date: Thu Mar 22 11:49:26 2012   
 | Mapset:   PERMANENT                      Login of Creator: danny          
 | Location: Test                                                           
 | DataBase: /home/danny/GIS                                                 
 | Title:    Labels ( gfa_niep_rast at PERMANENT )                              
 | Timestamp: none                                                           

 |   Type of Map:  raster               Number of Categories: 0              
 |   Data Type:    DCELL                                                     
 |   Rows:         720                                                       
 |   Columns:      1020                                                      
 |   Total Cells:  734400                                                    
 |        Projection: Transverse Mercator                                    
 |            N:    5699460    S:    5698740   Res:     1                    
 |            E:    3329940    W:    3328920   Res:     1                    
 |   Range of data:    min = 5.89  max = 5.89                                
 |   Data Source:                                                            
 |    Vector Map: gfa_niep_work at PERMANENT in mapset PERMANENT                
 |    Original scale from vector map: 1:1                                    
 |   Data Description:                                                       
 |    generated by v.to.rast                                                 
 |   Comments:                                                               
 |    v.to.rast input="gfa_niep_work at PERMANENT" layer=1 type="point" outpu\  
 |    t="gfa_niep_rast at PERMANENT" use="attr" column="werte" value=1 rows=4\  
 |    096                                                                    


My problem is now that i get only 1 raster point with the value 5.89 instead
of 3 points.
The correct range of the values should be min: 1.853 max: 5.89

What did i wrong?


View this message in context: http://osgeo-org.1560.n6.nabble.com/TIN-Linear-interpolation-from-points-tp4627723p4644182.html
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