[GRASS-user] Lidar points height from ground

michael vetter mv at ipf.tuwien.ac.at
Fri Mar 30 10:28:01 EDT 2012


you can also calculate a normalized point cloud by subtract Z(from 
point) from the DTM(Z)

you need a DTM (as raster) and the LiDAR points as ASCII

1. "r.stats -gn in=DTM >temp_elev"
2. create a dictionary in python, from "temp_elev" k=x,y and value=z (x 
and y should INT)
3. loop the point cloud and subtract the z from k for each LiDAR point 
and add a nZ column >> nDTM_LiDAR_points

2 and 3 should run in the same script!

     e.g. In Python:

#read input raster data (ascii from r.stats -gn DTM)
for lineR in iR.readlines():
     valR = lineR.strip().split(' ')
     x = float(valR[0])
     y = float(valR[1])
     k = ('%s %s' % (int(x),int(y)))
     z = float(valR[2])
     D[k] = value
     value = []

#read input point cloud as ascii and caclate nZ
for lineP in iP.readlines():
     valP = lineP.strip().split(' ')
     x = float(valP[0])
     y = float(valP[1])
     k = ('%s %s' % (int(x),int(y)))
     Z = float(valP[2])
     output.write('%s %s %s %s\n' %(x,y,Z,Z-D[k][0]))

then you can 'awk' the data you are interested in 'cat nDTM_LiDAR_points 
| awk '{if($4 < 2 && $4 > 1) print $0}' >LiDAR_1_to_2

r.in.xyz LiDAR_1_to_2 out=LiDAR_1_to_2 method=n

you can see the related reference to a similar workflow:


Am 2012-03-30 14:52, schrieb Daniel Lee:
> Hi Daniel V ;)
> You're right, that might not be the best way to go. I thought that it 
> might simply be faster to do a topological operation rather than a DB 
> edit. To be honest, I'd stay away from any 3D objects like volumes 
> because it'd just get pretty complicated if you use them... As far as 
> I know ;) Could be wrong. My suggestion would use the following steps:
> 1. Make terrain raster
> 2. Make surface raster
> -- Here I'm assuming that for you basically have only two height 
> "layers" - i.e. no points that contain information between the surface 
> raster and terrain (like bushes beneath a tree cover).
> 3. Make a relative digital surface model (rDSM) (r.mapcalc --> rDSM = 
> surface - terrain)
> 4. Reclassify the rDSM into the different classes you're interested in
> 5. Convert the reclassified raster into an area vector file.
> -- This makes a 2D map of polygons that cover the same areas as the 
> raster classes.
> 6. Extract the points inside the different different height classes 
> (v.select)
> However, if you're working with regularly spaced points that pass onto 
> a regular grid (=1 pt. / raster pixel) you could always use r.stats to 
> tell you how much area is in each raster category. Then you really 
> wouldn't need vectors at all.
> Daniel L.
> --
> B.Sc. Daniel Lee
> Geschäftsführung für Forschung und Entwicklung
> ISIS - International Solar Information Solutions GbR
> Vertreten durch: Daniel Lee, Nepomuk Reinhard und Nils Räder
> Deutschhausstr. 10
> 35037 Marburg
> Festnetz: +49 6421 379 6256
> Mobil: +49 176 6127 7269
> E-Mail: Lee at isi-solutions.org <mailto:Lee at isi-solutions.org>
> Web: http://www.isi-solutions.org <http://www.isi-solutions.org/>
> ISIS wird gefördert durch die Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 
> Zuwendungsgeber: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie 
> aufgrund eines Beschlusses des Deutschen Bundestages, sowie durch die 
> Europäische Union, Zuwendungsgeber: Europäischer Sozialfonds.
> Zusätzliche Unterstützung erhält ISIS von dem Entrepreneurship Cluster 
> Mittelhessen, der Universität Marburg, dem Laboratory for Climatology 
> and Remote Sensing und dem GIS-Lab Marburg.
> Am 30. März 2012 14:09 schrieb Daniel Victoria 
> <daniel.victoria at gmail.com <mailto:daniel.victoria at gmail.com>>:
>     Hi Daniel Lee (two Daniels changing emails is a hard thing to
>     follow...)
>     I can create the different height classes raster easily but I'm not
>     sure how to get the lidar points from the cloud that are in each
>     vertical slice.
>     Maybe work with raster volumes? Is there a way to cross points at
>     different volumes?
>     The fact is, I'm not seeing how to do this without having to import
>     the lidar point cloud.
>     Schematically, what I want to do is count the number of points that
>     are in the vertical bins 1 2, (g is ground), a vertical slice...
>             ___
>             | . :
>     bin 2  | :
>             | .
>             -----
>     bin 1  | ...
>             | .
>            ggggg
>     Cheers and many thanks for the attention
>     Daniel V
>     On Fri, Mar 30, 2012 at 8:08 AM, Daniel Lee <lee at isi-solutions.org
>     <mailto:lee at isi-solutions.org>> wrote:
>     > Hi Daniel,
>     >
>     > You could try making different rasters with classes (0-5m over
>     ground, 5-10m
>     > over ground, etc.) and then convert them into polygons, then
>     check how many
>     > points are inside them. I'm not sure if it'd be faster than the
>     way you
>     > suggested originally, though, when you think that you'd have to
>     make the
>     > rasters first, etc.
>     >
>     > I ended up giving up on large vector operations with LiDAR point
>     clouds in
>     > GRASS 6.4 because it simply took way too long, but I was dealing
>     with
>     > millions of points. For such a small dataset it's probably fine,
>     since as
>     > long as you know your script is okay you can let it run through
>     your lunch
>     > break ;)
>     >
>     >
>     > Daniel
>     >
>     > --
>     >
>     > B.Sc. Daniel Lee
>     > Geschäftsführung für Forschung und Entwicklung
>     > ISIS - International Solar Information Solutions GbR
>     > Vertreten durch: Daniel Lee, Nepomuk Reinhard und Nils Räder
>     >
>     > Deutschhausstr. 10
>     > 35037 Marburg
>     > Festnetz: +49 6421 379 6256 <tel:%2B49%206421%20379%206256>
>     > Mobil: +49 176 6127 7269 <tel:%2B49%20176%206127%207269>
>     > E-Mail: Lee at isi-solutions.org <mailto:Lee at isi-solutions.org>
>     > Web: http://www.isi-solutions.org
>     >
>     > ISIS wird gefördert durch die Bundesrepublik Deutschland,
>     Zuwendungsgeber:
>     > Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie aufgrund eines
>     Beschlusses
>     > des Deutschen Bundestages, sowie durch die Europäische Union,
>     > Zuwendungsgeber: Europäischer Sozialfonds.
>     > Zusätzliche Unterstützung erhält ISIS von dem Entrepreneurship
>     Cluster
>     > Mittelhessen, der Universität Marburg, dem Laboratory for
>     Climatology and
>     > Remote Sensing und dem GIS-Lab Marburg.
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     > Am 30. März 2012 13:00 schrieb Daniel Victoria
>     <daniel.victoria at gmail.com <mailto:daniel.victoria at gmail.com>>:
>     >
>     >> I need to calculate the number of points at different height
>     levels. That
>     >> is, how many points are from 0 to 5 meters? And from 5 to 10?
>     And so on. So
>     >> I believe I need to work with vector points and a database. Or
>     is there
>     >> another way?
>     >> Thanks
>     >> Daniel
>     >>
>     >> On Mar 30, 2012 6:47 AM, "Daniel Lee" <lee at isi-solutions.org
>     <mailto:lee at isi-solutions.org>> wrote:
>     >>>
>     >>> Hi there,
>     >>>
>     >>> I don't work too much with vectors, but my personal experience
>     with them
>     >>> has been fairly slow, perhaps due to the topology. If you have
>     access to the
>     >>> raw point cloud, you could try importing the ground and
>     surface points as
>     >>> separate rasters using r.in.xyz and then use r.mapcalc to get
>     the height by
>     >>> subtracting the ground from the surface raster. Or do you
>     definitely need
>     >>> vector points as an output?
>     >>>
>     >>> Best,
>     >>> Daniel
>     >>>
>     >>> --
>     >>>
>     >>> B.Sc. Daniel Lee
>     >>> Geschäftsführung für Forschung und Entwicklung
>     >>> ISIS - International Solar Information Solutions GbR
>     >>> Vertreten durch: Daniel Lee, Nepomuk Reinhard und Nils Räder
>     >>>
>     >>> Deutschhausstr. 10
>     >>> 35037 Marburg
>     >>> Festnetz: +49 6421 379 6256 <tel:%2B49%206421%20379%206256>
>     >>> Mobil: +49 176 6127 7269 <tel:%2B49%20176%206127%207269>
>     >>> E-Mail: Lee at isi-solutions.org <mailto:Lee at isi-solutions.org>
>     >>> Web: http://www.isi-solutions.org
>     >>>
>     >>> ISIS wird gefördert durch die Bundesrepublik Deutschland,
>     >>> Zuwendungsgeber: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und
>     Technologie aufgrund
>     >>> eines Beschlusses des Deutschen Bundestages, sowie durch die
>     Europäische
>     >>> Union, Zuwendungsgeber: Europäischer Sozialfonds.
>     >>> Zusätzliche Unterstützung erhält ISIS von dem Entrepreneurship
>     Cluster
>     >>> Mittelhessen, der Universität Marburg, dem Laboratory for
>     Climatology and
>     >>> Remote Sensing und dem GIS-Lab Marburg.
>     >>>
>     >>>
>     >>>
>     >>>
>     >>> Am 29. März 2012 22:59 schrieb Daniel Victoria
>     >>> <daniel.victoria at gmail.com <mailto:daniel.victoria at gmail.com>>:
>     >>>>
>     >>>> Hi all,
>     >>>>
>     >>>> I'm trying to calculate the height from the ground of several
>     lidar
>     >>>> points (15million) in order to get the number of points that
>     occur at
>     >>>> different height levels. I read some older posts about using
>     r.in.xyz
>     >>>> (or r.in.lidar in grass 7) but I could not understand how to
>     count the
>     >>>> number or points that have height from 0 to 5 m above the
>     ground, for
>     >>>> instance. So, I'm trying to do the following.
>     >>>>
>     >>>> 1) import points using v.in.lidar (Grass 7 ubuntu linux)
>     >>>> 2) create a column in the database for the ground height and
>     one for
>     >>>> elevation
>     >>>> 3) populate height column from ground raster (generate in another
>     >>>> process) using v.what.rast
>     >>>> 4) calculate elevation as zcoord - ground for each point
>     (v.db.update)
>     >>>>
>     >>>> As you might imagine, this takes a long time. Just to import
>     a 400Mb
>     >>>> lidar file takes around 50min.
>     >>>> Is there any easier way that I'm not envisioning?
>     >>>>
>     >>>> I'm running Grass 7 with liblas on a Ubuntu Virtual Machine
>     and sqlite
>     >>>> backend.
>     >>>>
>     >>>> Thanks
>     >>>> Daniel
>     >>>> _______________________________________________
>     >>>> grass-user mailing list
>     >>>> grass-user at lists.osgeo.org <mailto:grass-user at lists.osgeo.org>
>     >>>> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/grass-user
>     >>>
>     >>>
>     >
> _______________________________________________
> grass-user mailing list
> grass-user at lists.osgeo.org
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Mag. Michael Vetter

Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (I.P.F.)
Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien)
Gusshausstrasse 27-29, 1040 Vienna, Austria

Centre for Water Resource Systems (CWRS)
Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien)
Karlsplatz 13/222, A-1040 Vienna, Austria

Tel: +43-(0)1-58801-22226
E-mail: mv at ipf.tuwien.ac.at

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