[GRASS-user] Re: Help - Output difference between ARCGIS enviroment settings and GRASS g.region function

Alejandro Coca Castro acocac at gmail.com
Tue May 8 12:27:45 EDT 2012

Hi, i forgot... below I have included the gdalinfo from both ouputs (ArcMap
and GRASS). Any ideas as to what else I should check would be appreciated.

#### ArcMap output gdalinfo ####
gdalinfo  x:\test\fileASC_ARCMAP.asc
Driver: AAIGrid/Arc/Info ASCII Grid
Files: x:\test\fileASC_ARCMAP.asc
Size is 5245, 4800
Coordinate System is `'
Origin = (-60.925000056119998,-0.000000095999999)
Pixel Size = (0.002083333330000,-0.002083333330000)
Corner Coordinates:
Upper Left  ( -60.9250001,  -0.0000001)
Lower Left  ( -60.9250001, -10.0000001)
Upper Right ( -49.9979167,  -0.0000001)
Lower Right ( -49.9979167, -10.0000001)
Center      ( -55.4614584,  -5.0000001)
Band 1 Block=5245x1 Type=Int32, ColorInterp=Undefined
  NoData Value=-9999
(Tue May 08 11:21:09 2012) Command finished (10
(Tue May 08 11:21:42 2012)

#### GRASS output gdalinfo ####
gdalinfo  x:\test\fileASC_GRASS.asc
Driver: AAIGrid/Arc/Info ASCII Grid
Files: x:\test\fileASC_GRASS.asc
Size is 5246, 4801
Coordinate System is `'
Origin = (-60.927083000000003,0.000483000000001)
Pixel Size = (0.002083000000000,-0.002083000000000)
Corner Coordinates:
Upper Left  ( -60.9270830,   0.0004830)
Lower Left  ( -60.9270830, -10.0000000)
Upper Right ( -49.9996650,   0.0004830)
Lower Right ( -49.9996650, -10.0000000)
Center      ( -55.4633740,  -4.9997585)
Band 1 Block=5246x1 Type=Int32, ColorInterp=Undefined
  NoData Value=-9999

2012/5/8 Alejandro Coca Castro <acocac at gmail.com>

> Hi, i tried to convert the following enviroments settings to GRASS
> g.region and r.mask for the next ARCGIS output (ASCII file):
>     fileTIF = r"x:\test\fileTIF.tif"
>     MASK = r"x:\test\mask_file"
>     env.extent = fileTIF
>     env.snapRaster = MASK
>     env.mask = MASK
>     fileGRD = r"x:\test\fileGRD"
>     outCon = Con(fileTIF, fileTIF, "", "VALUE >= 0")
>     outCon.save(fileGRD)
>     fileASC = r"x:\test\fileASC.asc"
>     env.workspace = fileGRD
>     RasterToASCII_conversion(fileGRD,fileASC)
> So, i put on the GRASS command-line:
> r.mask input=mask_file at default
> g.region rast=fileTIF at default res=0.00208333333 align=MASK at default
> r.mapcalc fileGRD = if(fileTIF at default  < 0 , null(), fileTIF at default)
> r.out.arc input= fileGRD at default output=x:\test\fileASC_grass.asc
> However, the ArcGIS and GRASS outputs had a different extend and curiously
> the GRASS output didn't snap their cells with the MASK. Also, when i
> observe the GRASS output cellsize, it only has the first 6 decimals (f.e.
> 0.002083)....
> Finally i tried to setup the parameters of g.region with the ArcGIS output
> but GRASS output definetly didnt have the same properties of ArcGIS output
> (cellsize, columns and rows, extend)
> If somebody knows how can i fix it, i'll be grateful,
> Thanks in advance,
> Alejandro

*Alejandro Coca Castro***** ****
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