[GRASS-user] Natural breaks classification

Salvatore Mellino salvatore.mellino at gmail.com
Thu May 17 11:15:54 EDT 2012


thanks a lot. Now the process started, but the operation DTM_class <- classIntervals(DTM.df$varOfInterest, n=5, style="fisher" takes too long; it was started by hours but does not end. Is it normal?


Il giorno 16/mag/2012, alle ore 22:04, Luigi Ponti ha scritto:

> On 16/05/2012 21:10, Luigi Ponti wrote:
>> On 16/05/2012 20:55, Salvatore Mellino wrote:
>>> I'm trying but I receive an error.
>>> 1. In R I started the libraries spgarass6 and classInt
>>> 2. I imported the DTM in R using           DTM<- readRAST6("DTM a mapset", ignore.stderr=TRUE)
>>> 3. I used the command                DTM_class<- classIntervals(DTM, n=5, style="fisher")             and I received the error
>>> Error in classIntervals(DTM, n = 5, style = "fisher") :
>>>   var is not numeric
>> I do not recall exactly, but it may be that classIntervals does not have a method for spatial data frames (i.e. the output of readRAST6). One thing I would try to get the breaks anyway, is a regular R data.frame, for example:
>> DTM.df <- as.data.frame(DTM)
>> DTM_class <- classIntervals(DTM.df, n=5, style="fisher")
> I am replying to myself as I may have omitted part of the answer -- my apologies. Start the same way:
>    DTM.df <- as.data.frame(DTM)
> then get variable names:
>    names(deltaYieldVector.df)
> then use the variable of interest (altitude, I guess):
>    DTM_class <- classIntervals(DTM.df$varOfInterest, n=5, style="fisher")
> This should work; we were feeding a data.frame as input to classIntervals, whereas a variable is needed (e.g. one of the variables in the data.frame).
> Let me know how it goes.
> Kind regards,
> Luigi

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