[GRASS-user] opening dbf tables

John Ortiz eljhonjhon at hotmail.com
Fri May 18 12:12:28 EDT 2012

Is your error produced by libreOffice?

I can guess that the problem is because you are trying to open a .dbf file with libreoffice calc, that is the default application in Ubuntu 12.04 to open this sort of files.

To open .dbf files you should use libreoffice base. this application not is included in Ubuntu, you must to install the packages previously.

sudo apt-get install libreoffice-base

I hope this help you..  I had the same problem when I updated my Ubuntu version.


John Ortiz
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute

Date: Fri, 18 May 2012 17:07:46 +0200
From: ricerca at palombini.net
To: grass-user at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: [GRASS-user] opening dbf tables

Dear all, as i'm not very used used to work on vector files i don't know how to manage a (probably) simple problem.

i'm working on some shapefiles to be imported in Grass, but before doing so i should modify the dbf table. When trying to open it (Ubuntu 12.04), i got the message  (in italian) 
 errore generale 
errore generale di I/O i wasn't able to pen the table even by command line (sudo) nor found any hidden lock file in the directory. Any suggestion?

Thanks a lotAugusto 

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