[GRASS-user] Re: Natural breaks classification

Luigi Ponti lponti at inbox.com
Sat May 19 04:39:19 EDT 2012

On 18/05/2012 11:30, Roger Bivand wrote:
> Since all Spatial*DataFrame objects behave link data.frame objects, you can
> say:
> DTM<- readRAST6("DTM at mapset", ignore.stderr=TRUE)
> DTM_class<- classIntervals(DTM.df$varOfInterest, n=5, style="fisher")

I apologize about my imprecise statement that a Spatial*DataFrame object 
would require to be treated as.data.frame in order to be fed to 
classIntervals(). I recalled that some R functions complained about 
SpatialGridDataFrame objects but it may just be my faulty memory.

Thanks for a great post.

Kind regards,


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