[GRASS-user] Question about layers and categories

Moritz Lennert mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Fri Apr 5 04:43:15 PDT 2013

On 05/04/13 12:59, Vincent Bain wrote:
> Le vendredi 05 avril 2013 à 12:37 +0200, Moritz Lennert a écrit :

>> Have you read "Vector object categories and attribute management" ->
>> "layers" on [1]. If not please do so and tell us if we can improve the
>> explanation.
> I did again, it was necessary. May it be a good improvment to adjoin
> some graphical material to make things faster to understand ?

Anything that helps people understand layers is more than welcome. And 
it's good to have input from people who see this with fresh eyes.


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