[GRASS-user] Grass sqlite errors on OSX

knussear knussear at mac.com
Wed Dec 18 15:23:49 PST 2013

I'm recently having problems with new installs - and I have tried fresh
binaries from kyngchaos and Michael Bartons sites, both on 10.9.1 and 10.8.5
on two different machines, I've also tried 6.4 on 10.8.5 and the new grass 7
on 10.9.1 with the same result. I'm getting errors connecting to my sqlite
databases, and i wonder if anyone could recommend a fix that might get
things working again.

I'm getting errors that look like this:

DBMI-SQLite driver error:
Unable to open database: unable to open database file

GRASS_INFO_WARNING(16566,1): Unable to open database <cat
/Volumes/Tao/GIS/grassdata/Mojave/PERMANENT/sqlite.db> by driver <sqlite>

GRASS 7.0.svn (Mojave):~ > 
GRASS_INFO_ERROR(10010,1): Unable to create directory 'cat
/Users/knussear/GIS/grassdata/Mojave/PERMANENT' for sqlite database
dbmi: Protocol error

GRASS_INFO_WARNING(10009,1): Unable to open database <cat
/Users/knussear/GIS/grassdata/Mojave/PERMANENT/sqlite.db> by driver <sqlite>

I would very much appreciate any advice you have....



View this message in context: http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/Grass-sqlite-errors-on-OSX-tp5095002.html
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