[GRASS-user] r.out.gdal KMLSUPEROVERLAY problem...

Andranik Hayrapetyan andranik.h89 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 5 04:38:22 PST 2013

Good day,
I am trying to export raster map to an kml file, to overlay on Google Earth.

The problem is, that GRASS 7.0 built in script is making one KML file and a
folder with many subfolders, each of which contains a few small parts of
the image and an KML file for that part. But the main KML file is linking
only the first part in first subfolder (<href>0/0/0.kml</href>). So only
that firs part is being overlay and the other parts are being ignored.

Can anyone help me with this issue ?

Thanks in advance.
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