[GRASS-user] r.topidx - area of the hillslope per unit contour length

Ing. Pierluigi De Rosa pierluigi.derosa at gfosservices.it
Thu Feb 28 03:17:02 PST 2013

Dear All,
I should calculate  the area of the hillslope per unit contour length.
I saw r.topidx calculate topographic index (wetness index),
ln(a/tan(beta)), map from elevation map  where 
a: the area of the hillslope per unit contour length that drains through
any point, 
tan(beta): the local surface topographic slope (delta vertical) / (delta

I should only have the numerator of topographic index. How can i get it?


Ing. Pierluigi De Rosa (PhD)
Studio Associato GFOSSERVICES
Via Tilli 58 - 06127 Perugia (PG) 
tel: 075 7825101 / fax: 075 7823038
cel: 3497558268
web: www.gfosservices.it
skype: pierluigi.derosa 

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