[GRASS-user] GRASS6.x add-on module g.infer released

"Peter Löwe" peter.loewe at gmx.de
Wed Jul 17 08:28:39 PDT 2013

Dear all,

a new module for GRASS 6.x is (finally) available in the Add-on repository:

The module g.infer is a tool to create rule-based data-driven workflows from GRASS data layers and additional data sources. g.infer can modify existing GRASS data layers, can create new vector layers or can start additional additional GRASS modules. This is controlled by an inference process, which applies a knowledge base on a set of known facts (data). g.infer allows to set up Expert Systems from domain knowledge and GIS data layers.

General information about the module is available here:
http://geoinformatics.fsv.cvut.cz/pdf/geoinformatics-fce-ctu-2012-08.pdf (Page 17)


<peter.loewe at gmx.de>

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