[GRASS-user] Using PVGIS Raster Files in GRASS

James Allan James.Allan at brunel.ac.uk
Mon Jun 3 08:21:06 PDT 2013

Hi All, 

I am very new to GRASS and I need to use the r.sun function to determine the incident solar radiation on a surface. I have downloaded the PVGIS dataset from http://re.jrc.ec.europa.eu/pvgis/download/solar_radiation_cmsaf_download.html and have tried importing it into the layer manager as a grid ascii file. I was successfully able to import the file but now all I see is a purple square in the map display. Please see attached. I was expecting to see a map of Europe and Africa with the corresponding radiation data.  

If you have any experience with solar radiation files or importing these types of files into GRASS I would really appreciate your help. 

Best Regards 

James Allan
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