[GRASS-user] r.hazard.flood white map flood output

Margherita Di Leo diregola at gmail.com
Fri Jun 14 02:51:59 PDT 2013

Thanks Mattia, what I think it happens is that the areas individuated
(those which exceed the MTI threshold : 2.47170118814) are too small and
are being deleted by r.area afterwards. I'm most interested in pushing this
testing beyond, as the module is the implementation of an experimental
procedure developed by us, so if you are available to do further tests I'd
follow up this off list. Let me know if you are available.

Thanks m

On Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 11:26 AM, M. Riccadonna <Mattia_r at libero.it> wrote:

> sure, ok!
>  |   Range of data:    min = -3.09747448418923  max = 11.1769558173435
>    |

Best regards,

Margherita DI LEO
Postdoctoral Researcher

European Commission - DG JRC
Institute for Environment and Sustainability (IES)
Via Fermi, 2749
I-21027 Ispra (VA) - Italy - TP 261

Tel. +39 0332 78 3600
margherita.di-leo at jrc.ec.europa.eu

Disclaimer: The views expressed are purely those of the writer and may not
in any circumstance be regarded as stating an official position of the
European Commission.
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