[GRASS-user] access to multispectral landsat data for the UK

Daniel Victoria daniel.victoria at gmail.com
Thu Jun 20 12:42:29 PDT 2013

Hi Colin,

I don't know where you are looking for these landsat images but they are
free of cost for everyone. Take a look at the Earth Explorer[1] site from
USGS. Even Landsat 8 data is available. I just cheched and found about 60
Landsat8 images over UK and Ireland with less then 30% cloud cover.


[1] - http://earthexplorer.usgs.gov/

On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 3:57 PM, Dr Colin Hindmarch <
colinhindmarch at talktalk.net> wrote:

>   Hi,
> I have have no institutional or academic affiliations and it seems that
> this limits my access (free of cost) to Landsat data for the UK. This
> wasn’t always the case, I am sure, but I gather everything these days is
> highly commercialised and tightly controlled, with little prospect of an
> unsupported loaner getting access to basic data (except for Google earth
> PNG ‘snips’ and some very useful global DEM Explorer data).
> Has anyone any ideas about open source multispectral UK data?
> I should explain that I am an ecologist on a limited budget who is
> updating using open source data and freeware programmes like GRASS, and who
> is very keen to apply these to large-scale landscapes in support of
> personal and professional development. I don’t have a research proposal in
> mind, but I am scoping opportunities as I get to grips with the software
> and the associated analytical techniques, and may at some point work up a
> few ideas.
> Colin.
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