[GRASS-user] bypassing the "arrowhead" problem of ps.map

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Sun Mar 3 13:22:37 PST 2013

Vincent wrote:
> maybe among you some people deplore the absence of easy
> solution in ps.map for line-end symbology, e.g. adding arrow
> heads to lines.

(see also the vlines "linecap" instruction, for shape of the
end of the lines. Maybe there is a standard PostScript built-in
method for line end arrows already, but I don't know about it)

> I used to fiddle with v.to.db

another self-hack possibility is to extract the start/end nodes
to a points file, then, maybe with the help of v.generalize,
find the trend direction (azimuth) at those two ends, and use
vpoints or point instruction there with appropriate rotation
angle. You'll probably need to make your own symbol, but that's
pretty easy.


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