[GRASS-user] bug with projection systems?

Markus Neteler neteler at osgeo.org
Thu Mar 14 01:09:11 PDT 2013

On Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 2:57 AM, Shaun Langley <shaunlangley at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm wondering if I've stumbled on a bug…
> I'm working with a bunch of MODIS data that I've converted to UTM (Zone 36, WGS84) using the Modis Reprojection Tool.  Using gdal I can see that these maps have projections of EPSG:32636; however my GRASS location is defined with EPSG:32736.  When importing into grass with r.in.gdal, GRASS identifies the two projections as the same and allows me to proceed to import without error.  When displaying the maps though, it's obvious that the projections were wrong.  It too me a long time to figure this problem out and I'm just wondering if maybe it's a bug?

Please post whch GRASS version on which OS you use and
ideally also the command lines + messages to give better help.

(We do similar things and did not meet such problems)


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