[GRASS-user] i.landsat.toar unable to read metadata file

Nikos Alexandris nik at nikosalexandris.net
Fri Mar 15 08:32:35 PDT 2013

Markus Neteler wrote:
> I got thermal band fixes from Jorge and applied them to GRASS 6.4.svn

I guess this is the fix related to the post entitled

"i.landsat.toar fails to convert DNs (bands 61 and 62) to temperature for 
Landsat 7 scene"

Works in G64 -- tested with an L5 (LT51820362009326MTI00) and an L7 
(LE71840312002041SGS00) scene.

Thank you, Nikos :-)

> and 6.5.svn.
> http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/changeset/55376

> They still need to be fwd-ported to GRASS 7.
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