[GRASS-user] [GRASS-dev] wxGUI toolboxes

Sören Gebbert soerengebbert at googlemail.com
Thu May 2 00:52:36 PDT 2013

this is really great, many thanks! I am looking forward to add a temporal
modules menu layout.

Best regards

2013/4/30 Vaclav Petras <wenzeslaus at gmail.com>

> Hi all,
> first version of toolboxes for wxGUI is released (for GRASS GIS 7) and
> is available in trunk. The main purpose of toolboxes is the wxGUI menu
> customization. The current implementation of toolboxes does not
> influence the set of installed or available modules. The toolboxes are
> the possibility to create different highly specialized menu layouts.
> Users, which are able to edit XML, can now create toolboxes which
> contain modules from GRASS distribution, existing toolboxes (from the
> distribution) and modules from addons or their own modules. These
> toolboxes or set of toolboxes (in the toolboxes file) can be copied
> and shared, and users, which are able to copy the file into the
> .grass7 directory, can use them. Note that distribution of toolboxes
> is now not connected to the distribution of modules itself. GUI
> front-end is not available.
> The main menu (main menubar) is treated separately in the separate
> file with slightly different structure but its very similar to toolbox
> and it follows the same concepts.
> Note that you need to create your custom toolboxes.xml file or
> main_menu.xml file into your $HOME/toolboxes directory to see
> toolboxes in action.
> For the detailed description please see Programmer's Manual [1] and
> for future consideration and development issues see Trac [2].
> Anna and Vaclav
> [1] http://grass.osgeo.org/programming7/wxguitoolboxes.html
> [2] http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/wiki/wxGUIDevelopment/Toolboxes
> (links will work soon)
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