[GRASS-user] Query: number of 'areas' reported in v.build output does not necessarily represent different geographical areas

Nikos Alexandris nik at nikosalexandris.net
Fri May 10 01:04:41 PDT 2013


Nikos Alexandris:

> > > I tried to import USGS' (2011) Global Mangroves map:
Markus Metz wrote:

> > I assume the global mangroves map should not have overlapping
> > polygons, therefore as long as there are overlapping areas and/or the
> > number of centroids is not equal to the number of input polygons, more
> > cleaning is needed.

Nikos A:

> Unfortunately it seems there are overlapping polygons.
> I will search the respective documentation tonight to find stuff related to
> minimum area extent -- maybe this can help (?).

I can't find more than a short description of the production process and basic 
geo-referencing information (<http://data.unep-wcmc.org/datasets/21#fn2>). I 
will try to search more and perhaps gain contact with the responsible 
organisations UNEP-WCMC and USGS.


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