[GRASS-user] r.in.wms and PCN webservices

Štěpán Turek stepan.turek at seznam.cz
Fri May 31 09:52:21 PDT 2013

Hi Ivan and pierluigi,

"Hy pierluigi
a web GET request is made of a url and, after a "?", of a set of params.
I think that r.in.wms try to put a "?" at the and of the url.
but the wms address you use already contain a "?"
so you have to use, for the url, only the http addrees and, for the
urlparams, the remaining part of the address.

it worked as you described, however GetCapabilities request ignored 
urlparams parameter.  After r56519 it should be able also to use url with "?
". GetCapabilities request should also work both ways now (r56520) (using 
urlparams or including parameters directly into url).



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