[GRASS-user] multiple polygons with same cat

Dave Roberts dvrbts at ecology.msu.montana.edu
Tue Nov 26 07:34:57 PST 2013

 > I would suggest to run
 > v.category inp=geo type=centroid out=new_geo op=add layer=2 --o

Thanks Markus!  Now I'm getting somewhere.  v.info shows geo and new_geo 
in perfect correspondence for areas, islands, boundaries, etc.

d.what.vect shows new_geo with the original data in layer 1 and the new 
data in layer 2.  v.to.db successfully transferred the centroids (coor) 
and area to layer 2.  However, I still don't see how to get the 
surficial geology column (surgeo) out of layer 1 into layer 2 without a 
join item.  I know I'm missing something simple, but v.to.db just seems 
to allow a restricted set of values for option.

Thanks, Dave
David W. Roberts                                     office 406-994-4548
Professor and Head                                      FAX 406-994-3190
Department of Ecology                         email droberts at montana.edu
Montana State University
Bozeman, MT 59717-3460

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