[GRASS-user] i.landsat.toar comments have only 0 value

Beatrice Christopher Tarimo beatrice.tarimo at umb.no
Tue Oct 22 14:10:57 PDT 2013

Hi Markus,

I have tried i.landsat.toar on different builds of WinGRASS 6.4.4svn, the latest being revision 58054-745 dated 20-Oct-2013. The problem persist.

I did the same with Linux (ubuntu) based GRASS6.4.4svn for the same Landsat scene, same metadata file (LE71710622000137SGS00). The command output (verbose) and r.info print actual values, read from the metafile or computed by i.landsat.toar, NOT ZEROS. 

A quick comparison -  apart from the zeros, the output of i.landsat.toar (WinGRASS) looks the same as the output of i.landsat.toar (Linux based GRASS), at least for this scene. I have compared the --verbose command output and results of r.info for band 1, 5 and 61. Echoing Daniel, I think radiances/reflectances computed by i.landsat.toar in WinGRASS are correct even though r.info and command output print zeros for most of the variables. For the thermal bands the output data range is min=nan and max=nan if using the new metadata file, which was also discussed by Nikos in a different post. I think this depends on the version of GRASS being run.

Please find attached some information from r.info and command output which might help to verify/refute my observations or point to the cause/remedy of this problem.

Best regards,


Please try the updated version in GRASS 6.4.svn (thanks to E. Jorge Tizado).
The GRASS 7 update is hopefully forthcoming, too.

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