[GRASS-user] i.landsat.toar comments have only 0 value

Nikos Alexandris nik at nikosalexandris.net
Mon Sep 16 08:12:53 PDT 2013

Nikos A:

> > (
> > On/Off-Topic:  is there a way to run and test GRASS in an emulated Windows
> > environment for those who don't have a legally licensed Windows OS?
> > )

Nikos V:

> > ​There are two options that I am aware of:
> 1) Create a virtual machine and install windows on it (meh..)

Why not?  Sounds good, as long as one has a legally licensed Windows 
installation media... :-).  I don't!

> 2) Use WINE, which as they state in their site  they are "a compatibility
> layer capable of running Windows applications on several POSIX-compliant
> operating systems".

I have used Wine in the past (among others, very successful in working with 
ArcGIS -- that was before 2007!).  Is it really a good choice to test 

Greets, Nikos

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